Go Carbon Neutral app for iPhone and iPad
Developer: GoCarbonNeutral.ie
First release : 06 Feb 2020
App size: 38.5 Mb
We all know that we need to do everything we can to tackle climate change. Flying is a very polluting and carbon-intensive activity, but people continue to take more flights every year. While it’s important for everybody to try to fly less, we want to give people a way to offset some of the damage they do to the environment when they fly.
This app helps you to understand the emissions that you are responsible for when you take a flight. Enter your origin, destination and class of travel and you will instantly see how many tons of carbon emissions your ticket is responsible for. You can then offset these emissions by paying for trees to be planted as part of huge new areas of native woodlands we are creating in Ireland.
Trees capture carbon from the atmosphere as they grow, but Ireland currently has the lowest level of forestry cover in Europe (less than 11% versus about 40% average) and the lowest level of native forestry in Europe, with most of our woodlands being made up of commercial non-native tress like Sitka Spruce, rather than native species like oak, ash, birch, hazel, alder or scots pine. We are also facing a catastrophic loss of our biodiversity.
Forestry Partners is a social enterprise founded in 2019 to help individuals and businesses to plant native trees in Ireland at large scale to reverse the decline in our national native forests and tackle climate change.
Our goal is to enable people to offset their carbon emissions while restoring Irish native woodlands, and fostering biodiversity and natural habitats in these areas at the same time. We will soon be the largest planter of native woodlands in Ireland but we need your support to make it happen.
To learn more about how our planting program works, or to help your employer get involved in more tree planting and carbon offsetting, visit GoCarbonNeutral.ie or ForestryPartners.ie.